Olaf Mersmann
Author of 14 CRAN packages
Impressive! Olaf Mersmann has worked on 14 packages, showing some serious commitment to the craft. Olaf Mersmann worked with over 55 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
14 Packages
- BatchExperimentsStatistical Experiments on Batch Computing Clusters
- cmaesCovariance Matrix Adapting Evolutionary Strategy
- ecrEvolutionary Computation in R
- emoaEvolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms
- fftwFast FFT and DCT Based on the FFTW Library
- loglognormDouble Log Normal Distribution Functions
- mcoMultiple Criteria Optimization Algorithms and Related Functions
- microbenchmarkAccurate Timing Functions
- sendmailRSend Email Using R
- signalSignal Processing
- truncnormTruncated Normal Distribution
- tspmetaInstance Feature Calculation and Evolutionary Instance Generation for the Traveling Salesman Problem
- tuneRAnalysis of Music and Speech
- bbotkBlack-Box Optimization Toolkit
- Bernd Bischl
- Michel Lang
- Heike Trautmann
- David Arnu
- Jakob Bossek
- Michael H. Buselli
- Wessel Dankers
- Carlos M. Fonseca
- Manuel Lopez-Ibanez
- Luis Paquete
- Joshua Knowles
- Eckart Zitzler
- Uwe Ligges
- Sebastian Krey
- Detlef Steuer
- Kalyanmoy Deb
- Joshua M. Ulrich
- Claudia Beleites
- Rainer Hurling
- Ari Friedman
- Are Edvardsen
- Marius Barth
- Quinn Weber
- Alexander Bartel
- Kurt Hornik
- Kai Habel
- Friedrich Leisch
- Andreas Weingessel
- Tom Short
- Paul Kienzle
- David Billinghurst
- Pascal Dupuis
- John W. Eaton
- Bill Lash
- Julius O. Smith III
- Doug Stewart
- Sarah Schnackenberg
- Hans-Werner Borchers
- Andre Carezia
- E. Farhi
- Paulo Neis
- Jaakko Ruohio
- Björn Bornkamp
- Guillaume Guénard
- Claus Weihs
- Brian D. Ripley
- Matthias Heymann
- Daniel P. W. Ellis
- Underbit Technologies
- Andrea Preusser
- Anita Thieler
- Johanna Mielke
- Marc Becker
- Jakob Richter
- Martin Binder